AboutAdam is the only complete and nationwide gay location and event guide in Germany. AboutAdam has listed all gay bars, clubs, restaurants, cruising spots etc. and all gay events in any German city with at least one gay location. AboutAdam is available in German and of course in English, so that international visitors can find their way through the gay scene in Germany.
If you are using Android, you can download the app in the Google Play Store for free. If you are a iPhone-User, you can download the app in the AppStore. Those, you are using a different system or do not want to install the app, can visit mobile.aboutadam.com to see all events and locations on their mobile browser.
To find exactly what you like, AboutAdam offers an Acitivy Filter. This helps you to find your way specially in big cities like Berlin, Cologne, Munich or Hamburg. You can choose from nine acitivities such as “Drink”, “Dance” or “Sex”.
Besides events and locations, AboutAdam also offers pictures and videos. Find the pictures on our Interntional Fanpage on Facebook. To see videos, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Of course, you can follow us also on Twitter.
Recently Added Events
POPULAR - The Queer Friday Club, Berlin
TAKE OVER Friday, Berlin
FRIDAY FUCK 2-4-1, Berlin
Romeo & Julius (schwule Jugendgruppe 14-27 Jahre), Berlin
Sexy Music Box, Berlin
Fist Factory, Berlin
Bergfest Freizeitgruppe für 25-35jährige (+/- 5 Jahre), Berlin
Karaoke Show, Berlin
Chantals House of Shame, Berlin