You know the feeling ... you have finally finished work for the day and are really longing to wind
down and have a break from the daily grind. But it's late in the evening before the first shops, bar
and clubs open where you can really relax; in fact it's a bit too late and when they do open it's
almost time when you should be thinking about going to bed so that you will be fit again for the
next day. It's a problem which we and many of our guests have been thinking about for quite some time. What we have come up with is a regular series of parties which we call 'Ajpnia on
Wednesday'. So first go home, shower and change ... stop! No, come to Ajpnia, get undressed, have a shower and then you can start to relax ... That sounds much more like it, doesn't it? And on
Wednesdays our party gets underway from 7 p.m. And so that you are completely relaxed and fully rested for the following day the party finishes around midnight. At least some of us have an early start the following day! The format of these parties is the same for our 'Ajpnia on Saturday' parties.